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Questionnaire on the No 17 Bus Service

Would you like to see an improvement in the No 17 bus service between Horsham and Brighton?

The No 17 bus serves Cowfold throughout the day at half hourly intervals and is well used. Unfortunately, the last bus from Horsham is at 7.14pm and the last bus from Brighton is at 6pm. This makes it impossible to use the bus to attend any evening events in Horsham or Brighton and makes commuting to work difficult.

The villages served by the No 17 bus are consulting residents to find out if they would use an extended evening service. Having buses running later into the evening would mean not having to worry about parking to visit the cinema or restaurants and take away the need for a non-drinking driver. It would also cut down on the mum and dad taxi service for young people.

Two new cinemas are planned for Horsham; a six-screen multiplex at the bottom of West Street and a three screen Everyman cinema in Piries Place on the site of the old Waitrose shop. An extended bus service would mean we could take advantage of these new entertainment facilities.

Please fill in this short questionnaire to help us campaign for extended bus services.

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