Introduction to Cowfold
Cowfold is a village and civil parish between Billingshurst and Haywards Heath and is eight and a half miles to the SSE of Horsham in West Sussex, England.
The village currently has one pub and a number of shops and local businesses. The parish church was established in the thirteenth century and is dedicated to Saint Peter. At Parkminster to the south of the village centre is St. Hugh’s Charterhouse, the only post-Reformation Carthusian monastery in the United Kingdom.
More information on village life and facilities are given on this site. A more detailed history of the village can be found on the Cowfold Village History Society website.
The Village Hall

The Village Hall has excellent facilities including a large hall with stage, a reading room and kitchen. It is used extensively by local clubs and societies and is also available for hire on an individual basis. More information is available on the Cowfold Village Hall website.
Bookings can be made by calling the caretaker on 01403 864 636.
Allmond Centre
The old sports pavilion on the Playing Field has been replaced by a new community and sports centre which opened in Spring 2018 with a new name – The Allmond Centre.
The new facility includes up-to-date changing rooms for home and away teams and officials and a new community room with bar and audio-visual equipment and a fully equipped kitchen.
Bookings can be made via the Allmond Centre website or by contacting Jan Wright on 01403 864806.
St Peter’s Church

St Peter’s Church is located at the heart of the village and was established in the thirteenth century. More information on the church and the schedule of services can be found at St Peter’s Church website.
In addition to its regular schedule of services, the Church organises:
- “Short and Sweet” – 30 minutes of informal worship followed by refreshments and a craft activity for the children.10am on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
- “Taize by Candlelight” – a gentle candle-lit service of simple choruses, short readings and contemplation. 6pm on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
The Parish is now linked with the Parish of Lower Beeding (comprising the churches at Lower Beeding and Coolhurst) into a single Benefice within the Deanery of Horsham.
Friday Café
Every Friday morning from 10am to12 noon, volunteers from St Peter’s Church offer hot drinks, toasted tea cakes and biscuits in Cowfold Village Hall reading room. Everyone is welcome to drop in for refreshments and companionship
The Weald Community Church
The Trustees of the Weald Community Church, Cowfold have announced its closure. More information is provided on the Weald Community Church website.
Cowfold Surgery
The village is fortunate in having its own health centre – Cowfold Surgery. Details can be found on the Cowfold Medical Group website.
The village caters for the local education of all children up to age of eleven and the main organisations are:
- St Peter’s Primary School
- Country Mice Nursery
- Church Mice Stay and Play toddler group. Every Wednesday in term time from 9.30am to 11am in Cowfold Village Hall. Great for parents and carers to meet and chat while the children play. Toys, crafts and refreshments.
Sports and Fitness
Residents can take part in a number of sports and fitness activities within the village, including:
- Cowfold Football Club
- Short Mat Bowls Club
- Cowfold Fitness Classes
- Ryushinkan Karate Club
Walks around the Village
Country Walks
We are surrounded by beautiful countryside and there are numerous opportunities for enjoyable walks around the village. Some suggestions are given in this article:
Heritage Trail
Cowfold Village History Society, supported by Horsham District Community Partnerships Forum and The National Lottery Heritage Fund, has devised a Heritage Trail that incorporates the key historical points-of-interest in the centre of the village. This is described in a pamphlet that can be accessed here.
The First Cowfold Scout Group serves the rural community south of Horsham. The Group is prominent within the community and has a HQ on the village playing field. Alongside the thriving Beaver, Cub and Scout sections, an Explorer unit helps to meet the needs of the 14 to 18 year olds in the area. Contact Group Scout Leader (GSL) Ellen Barker by phone on 01403 865791 or by email at
Guides and Brownies
1st Cowfold Guides meet on Monday nights in the School Hall and organise a vast range of activities for 10 to 14 year olds, both indoors and out.
Brownies meet on Tuesdays, 5:45 to 7:15 pm.
Other Clubs and Societies
The village has a number of active clubs and societies, including:
Bridge Club
The Bridge Club meets in the Village Hall Reading Room at 7:00pm on the first Friday of every month. Contact Barry Sowton on 01403 864704.
Cowfold Bell Ringers
Cowfold Community Choir
A relaxed community singing group for those who just love to sing. Everyone is welcome to come along and join in. Meets Wednesday evenings at 7pm in St Peter’s Church. Contact Aidan on 07973 195137 for more information.
Dog Training Classes
Dog training classes are held in the Village Hall. Contact Jo Shuttleworth on 07813 450123 for more details.
Evening Women’s Institute
The Evening Women’s Institute is a friendly, fun-loving group which meets on the first Wednesday of very month (except August) at 7:45pm in the Allmond Centre.
As always, we would like to welcome any new members or visitors to come and see what we do; our aim is to offer a friendly meeting group for social and, where possible, educational evenings to help and advance our group in whatever way we can.
History Society
More details are given on the Cowfold Village History Society website.
Royal British Legion (Sussex Weald Branch and Cowfold & District Women’s Branch)
The Sussex Weald Branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL) covers the villages of Bolney, Cowfold, Henfield, Lower Beeding, Nuthurst (including Maplehurst) and West Grinstead (including Dial Post and Partridge Green).
The RBL plays a key role in helping serving members of the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force, ex-service men and women of all ages, their carers and dependants and focuses on four key areas: welfare, support, remembrance and comradeship.
Village Social Committee
The committee organises the Village Fete which is held every July on the Playing Field.
Welcome Club
A drop-in luncheon/social club for the over 60s which meets in the Allmond Centre. Refreshments are available – coffee and biscuits in the morning, tea and home-made cake in the afternoon (booked lunches only). Play bingo, cards, etc. and take part in the raffle. A range of social activities are also organised.
New members are always welcome.