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Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Period 02.09.24 – 14.10.24

Posted in Community

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Neighbourhood Plan: Consultation Period is OPEN

The Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan underwent examination in April 2021 with the Examiner recommending the plan proceed to referendum subject to modifications. In September 2021, Natural England issued a Position Statement citing water neutrality which resulted in a moratorium on new development which could not demonstrate water neutrality. As the Habitat Regulations include both planning applications and development plans it meant the Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan could not proceed to referendum and to being made without potential legal challenge. Further work has been commissioned to demonstrate the plan meets the habitat regulations in terms of water neutrality and this is the issue at the centre of the latest consultation.

The consultation period for the revised plan started at 9am on Monday 2nd September and will run until 5pm on Monday 14th October. It should be emphasised that this is a focussed consultation on water neutrality and the Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan. It is not the intention to reopen neighbourhood plan issues settled by the examiner in his report.


The plan and accompanying documents can be viewed at the Village Hall between these dates from Monday to Saturday each week. There is an available comment form although this and the plan itself are available on line at HDC upon request.

The full plan itself will be on display from 12:00 until 16:00 on Saturday 21st September at The Allmond Centre along with Members of Cowfold Parish Council who will do their best to answer questions.

Subject to the consultation responses, we anticipate the referendum will take place this winter with the plan looking to be made in winter/spring 2025.